Net Worth $16 Million   Name Michael Oher   Date of Birth 28 May 1986 Age 37 Years    Gender Male

TAURUS (Apr 21-May20) Represented by the symbol of a bull, you do not give up easily. You are headstrong and keep on working towards what you desire.

You are little stubborn and it is difficult for you to change your mind.  At the same time, you are grounded and are able to make others feel  secure.

You listen to people patiently and people can depend on you. Being supportive and helpful, you are a true friend.

People who have you as a friend feel quite fortunate. You like to interact with people and appreciate them.

Sending gifts to others specially your loved ones impart a charm to your personality.

You have a logical bent of mind, however, moving out of your comfort zone makes you upset as you enjoy routine.

Taurus Finance Today Your investments are secured and  they will give you, your due share. Financially, you will feel sound and  sheltered. However, you will find it difficult to save any money.

Taurus Family Today A good level of happiness with  family seems to be in store for the day. You may plan to meet long  distant relatives and friends. There may also be some social gatherings.

Taurus Career Today It’s an excellent day for you with  regards to your career. Lots of new opportunities will come your way on  this day. They will be in your favour and will make you feel satisfied.

Taurus Health Today Good health will make you enjoy the  day to its best. You will remain energetic and flexible. Any persistent  pain or suffering will disappear.

Taurus Love Life Today You will have to maintain a  soft and easy-going approach towards your partner. This will keep you  happier the entire day. Listen to him/her and make the best of those  moments. Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Color: Electric grey