Christmas is like a bar of delectable chocolate that you would love to keep eating once you have a single bite. Merry Christmas to my apple pie!
Love is not about possessing and controlling someone. It is about freedom and independence. Happy Christmas my love!
Love never makes you fall. It always makes you rise. It has no jealousy and ego. It only has surrender. Happy Christmas!
Some people do love. Some fall in it. True love always makes you feel the truth. If truth is not there, love is not there. Happy Christmas my love!
In real love you have no demands of anything. You only have pious feelings of each other benefits not having any selfish motives. Happy Christmas my love!
In love you separate once to get attached forever. Love is the pain that you bear sweetly for eternity. If you can then only love. Happy Christmas my forever love!
If I could be anything I would love to be your heartbeat so that no one can separate us by any means. May we become two bodies but one soul. Merry Christmas my lovey-dovey!
The relationship between you and me is like of deep water. However noisy we are from outside but in deep we are always connected. Wishing you happy Christmas!
Whenever I am near you, I feel the warmth of you that goes through like lukewarm water in me positivizing very core of my soul giving it breath. Happy Christmas my love!