We must thank the Lord for the wonderful life he has given to us. Here is hoping we have many more holidays to celebrate.

Your excellence drives everyone to success. Thank you and a happy Thanksgiving from all here.

"May you enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving, a joyous holiday season and healthful, Happy New Year."

"Wishing you the happiness of good friends, the joy of a happy family,  and the wonder of the holiday season. Have a memorable thanksgiving!"

"Our homes may be far apart, but our hearts are as close as always."

"A heartfelt thanks to you on this day, for being my guide, my teacher and my father. Happy Thanksgiving greetings Dad!"

"Enjoy the feast and the company of your family on Thanksgiving day."

"Thanksgiving Day is that time to sit back and reflect on all of God’s  blessings. One of those blessings for me is you and your friendship."

"I’m thankful to have a family who takes eating as seriously as I do."